Conflict and the Will of God
Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Series: Get-R-Done: Walking with God; Accomplishing His Will Scripture: Nehemiah 5:1–5:19
Conflict and the Will of God
Nehemiah 5:1-19
How we resolve conflicts will strongly influence the quality of our lives and our leadership.
The Cause of the Conflict (1-5)
- There was a shortage of food
- Some were forced to mortgage their property to get food
- Others had to borrow to pay the king’s tax
- Children were being enslaved to pay the debts
What God Said:
- Don’t charge Interest to each other (Deuteronomy 23:19-20)
- Don’t Enslave a fellow Jew (Leviticus 25:39-40)
The root cause of internal conflict and discord is Selfishness that results in Disobedience
“What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel.” (James 4:1–2)
When Satan fails in his attacks from the outside, he then begins to attack from the inside
“And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.” (Mark 3:25)
Resolving the Conflict (6-19)
1. Reaction: Anger (6)
He did not ignore the problem, he got angry
“Be angry and do not sin;” (Ephesians 4:26a)
Notice he did not get angry because his ego had been bruised. He was angry because God’s Word was being ignored and God’s people were being hurt.
2. Reflection: Think before you Speak (7a)
“Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” (James 1:19–20)
3. Rebuke: Caring enough to Confront (7b-11)
Leaders must have the Courage to confront
Sometimes it is necessary to confront for the sake of the work and for the good of others.
4. Repentance: Returning to God’s Plan (9, 12)
Two Marks of Genuine Repentance:
- A Godly Sorrow
- A return to Godly Living
There will be no Reconciliation without Repentance
“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” (Romans 12:18)
5. Restitution: Making things Right (12b-13)
Nehemiah reminded them that they were accountable to:
- God
- One Another
6. Reinforcement: Setting an Example (14-19)
Leaders only ask others to do what is consistent with what they are already doing!
Four Leadership Lessons (Warren Wiersbe)
- Expect problems to arise among your people.
- Confront the problems courageously.
- Be sure your own Integrity is intact.
- See every problem as an Opportunity for the Lord to work.
Conflict is Inevitable; how we choose to handle it will determine the quality of our lives and leadership.
Questions for Consideration:
- How do you typically respond to conflict?
- Which of these principles from God’s Word do you most need to apply in the midst of your conflicts?
- What particular conflict is God prompting you to take action on out of today’s teaching? What will you actually do in response to God’s prompting?
other sermons in this series
Aug 9
Aug 2
Getting the Job Done
Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: Nehemiah 6:1–6:19 Series: Get-R-Done: Walking with God; Accomplishing His Will
Jul 19
Temptations and the Will of God
Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: Nehemiah 5:14–5:19 Series: Get-R-Done: Walking with God; Accomplishing His Will