How Big Is Your God?
Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Series: Living Aligned with God's Design Scripture: Matthew 14:22–33
Living Aligned With God’s Design
How Big Is Your God?
Matthew 14:22-33
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” A.W. Tozer
Is my God bigger than my problems or are my problems bigger than my God?
The size of my God determines the way that I live my life.
Learning To Walk With A Big God Involves:
- Recognizing God’s presence (25-27)
God is at work all around us - It takes Eyes of faith to recognize His presence.
Jesus often comes to us when we Least Expect it.
- Listening for God’s call (28-29)
This story is not primarily about risk taking, it is primarily about Obedience.
Courage must be accompanied by wisdom and discernment.
- Trusting God enough to risk obeying (29)
If I am going to experience a greater measure of God’s power in my life, it will usually involve the First Step principle.
Faith is believing what God has said and adjusting my life accordingly.
“The big doors of opportunity swing upon the tiny hinges of obedience.”
Q: What is your boat?
A: Whatever represents Safety and Security to you apart from God.
Fear will never go away as long as you continue to grow.
“The pathway to your greatest potential is straight through your greatest fears!” Craig Groeschel
There is a Risk in going and a Risk in staying.
Both risk and comfort become a Habit
- Learning from our failures (30-33)
Failure is not an event; it is an Evaluation of an event.
Failure does not shape you; the way you Respond to failure shapes you.
What Peter Learned Out On The Water:
- What God calls you to do, He Enables you to do
We need to live with a “confident humility.”
- Keep your eyes on Jesus not on the Storm
Faith does not deny the reality of the storms; it just focuses on the reality of God more.
2 Important Laws:
- The law of Cognition: You are what you think.
- The law of Exposure: Your mind will tend to think most about what it is most exposed to.
- God is faithful, even when we Blow It
Sometimes we learn how much we are loved and valued by God only in the midst of our failures.
- A greater Appreciation of the size and greatness of God
The size of my God determines the way that I live my life!
God can do extraordinary things with people who believe Him enough to get out of the boat!
other sermons in this series
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Better Together
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