Text giving is available at First Baptist using the same system as our online giving.
Text to: 73256
Enter keyword: fbcfortmillgiving and the amount you want to give.
Text giving processes just like our online giving. The same funds are available, i.e., Budget, Faith Commitment Offering, Benevolence, etc. It takes about two minutes to set up your payment method the first time, which is saved for future text gifts.
You will receive an instant message that says "You're almost there. Click" and you will click a link to set up the payment type. It allows you to select from the available funds. Once you have set up the payment method and chosen a fund you will receive a text with a receipt number and a thank you for your gift of (amount) to First Baptist Church.
The following three fund keywords make it quicker once you are set up. Budget Receipts = Budget; Faith Commitment Offering = FCO; Building = Build. If you would like to give $100 to the buiding fund you can text the following: fbcfortmillgiving build 100 and it will automatically go toward the building fund. If you text: fbcfortmillgiving 100 - it will default to the Budget Receipts fund.