"Faith is seeing the invisible but not the nonexistent." - A.W. Tozer
A Story of Uncompromising Faith
- The Imprisonment (17-18)
- The name of Jesus
- The Resurrection
- Jealousy
- The Deliverance (18-25)
- Divinely Delivered
- Divinely Commissioned
God set them free physically to help set others free spiritually!
- The Declaration (26-32)
Take advantage of every Gospel Opportunity
Basic Gospel Facts (Kerygma):
- The Crucifiction (30)
- The Resurrection (30)
- The Ascension (31)
- The Witnesses (32)
4. The Reaction (33)
People will often respond to the gospel message with:
- Rage
- Indifference
- Repentance
- The Counsel (34-39)
- Be Wary
- Be Wise
- Be Watchful
6. The Rejoicing (40-42)
- Punishment
- Praise
- Proclamation
D. A. Carson (Rejoice To Suffer for the Name) reminds us of six related aspects of such suffering:
- Jesus himself connects his suffering with our suffering. He does this fundamentally by connecting his cross with our taking up of the cross (Matt 16:24–28; cf. John 15:18–25).
- This suffering, for Jesus’s sake, presupposes that the world is evil.
- This suffering connects us with genuine believers across the ages (Matt 5:10–12).
- Paul teaches us that suffering for the gospel is part of our Christian calling. “For it has been granted to you on Christ’s behalf not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” he tells the church in Philippi (Phil 1:29).
- Paul goes on to say that this suffering is tied to experiencing Christ’s resurrection power (Phil 3:10–11).
- Christian suffering is tied to the dissemination of the gospel, and when suffering for gospel proclamation, the evangelists often experience great joy.
“And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”” (Revelation 12:11–12, ESV)
“The witnessing power of the Holy Spirit is released through obedience to Christ, to the Word, to the inner voice of his guidance.” Kent Hughes
Some good self-check questions are:
- Am I living consistently in view of what I know about Christ?
- Am I living a life that is in accord with what I am learning in the Scriptures?
- Am I refusing to do what I know he wants?
- Am I refusing to share my faith because of fear of rejection or appearing unintellectual or uncultured or any other reason?
We cannot have the power of the Holy Spirit if we say no to Him!
Making It Personal:
- How have you responded to the gospel of Jesus Christ? Have you personally turned from your sin, trusted in Christ’s provision through the cross, and surrendered your life to His rule and reign?
- Prayerfully review the questions above. What is the Holy Spirit communicating to you as you review and reflect?
- What would it look like for you to get out where the big waves are?
- Who needs to hear about Jesus through you?
- Who can you share these truths with?
other sermons in this series
Jul 28
A 6:7 Awakening
Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: Acts 6:1–7 Series: Sent
Jun 30
An Inside Job
Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: Acts 4:32– 5:14 Series: Sent
Jun 16
Living with a Holy Boldness
Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: Acts 4:1–37 Series: Sent