July 28, 2019

Do All Things Really Work Together for Good?

Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Series: Viral Verses Topic: Promises Scripture: Romans 8:28

Viral Verses

Do All Things Really Work Together For Good?

Romans 8:28

We have no right to hold God responsible for a promise we have misunderstood.

In Christ Jesus we can rely on all the promises of God when they are properly understood and applied.

A Deeper Look At This Promise

  1. The Certainty of the promise – “we know”
  1. The Recipients of the promise
  • This promise is for True Followers of Christ only
  1. The Completeness of the promise


  • All Things happen to Christians – A Christian’s circumstances are not promised to be better than anyone else’s. (8:35-37)
  • God is the one who causes all things to work together for good – things don’t work together for good on their own
  • Although Bad Things happen, God works them for good

“Everything is necessary that he (God) sends; nothing can be necessary that he withholds.”  John Newton

  1. The Direction of the Promise (8:29-30)

Something that is predestined is Fixed, you can count on it no matter what

God promises to Transform our character into the character of Christ

“Jesus Christ did not suffer so that you would not suffer.  He suffered so that when you suffer, you’ll become like him.  The gospel does not promise you better life circumstances; it promises you a better life.”  Tim Keller


Glorified is in the past tense – This affirms the certainty of it.  God will not let anything get in the way of its accomplishment.

Is the use of the term “brothers” gender insensitive?

It is actually a Bold Declaration – there are no second-class citizens in God’s family!

Living In Light Of This Promise

  1. Recognize that we live in a broken world full of suffering and that being a Christ follower doesn’t exempt us from experiencing “all things”
  1. Understand that we may not fully see or be able to comprehend “the good” that God is working out this side of eternity
  1. Rest in the fact that God is sovereign over all things and is at work in all things to bring about His purposes
  1. Rejoice not primarily in your circumstances, but in the grace of God through Jesus Christ that has adopted you into His forever family and is at work conforming you to the likeness of Jesus Christ


Making It Personal:

  • Is there any way in which you have misunderstood Romans 8:28 and its application to your life today? What needs to be adjusted?
  • Review the 4 points of “living in light of this promise.” Practically how can you live out these 4 points this week?
  • Take some time this week to meditate on and pray Romans 8:28-20 back to God.
  • Who can you share these truths with?


other sermons in this series

Aug 11


Can I Really Do All Things?

Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: Philippians 4:13 Series: Viral Verses

Aug 4


No More Than You Can Handle

Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:11–13 Series: Viral Verses

Jul 14


Plans to Prosper You

Pastor: Jeff Bedwell Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11 Series: Viral Verses