Sunday Morning Groups

Despite technology improving communication, adults are still craving true and meaningful relationships. Adult groups that meet on Sunday morning provide a life-changing community where you can belong, believe and become. Regardless of which worship service you attend, we have a group for you. Click HERE for a downloadable list of groups that meet Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Group Handbook.

To learn more and get involved in a group, please email Shannon Ford.


Are you searching for a group of men or women to meet with for a time of spiritual growth in God’s Word and encouragement through prayer? Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) are gender-specific groups of 3-5 believers that will meet weekly starting in September for a period of 12-18 months. Sign up HERE for our D-Group Kick-Off Event August 25, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall!

  • D-Group members will commit 5 days each week to read and journal on a single chapter following the church’s New Testament reading plan.
  • D-Group members will use the HEAR method to journal on daily reading (Highlight, Explain, Apply and Respond).
  • D-Groups will meet at various times and locations each week. You can find a D-Group that works best for your schedule.
  • At D-Group meetings, you will share your weekly journal entries (HEAR method) with other members with emphasis on personal application and response to God’s Word.

Journey Groups

Journey Groups is a life-on-life Missional Discipleship group. These groups use a curriculum, The Journey, which takes place within a small group of men that provides an intentional plan for real and meaningful life change with the goal of molding individuals into the likeness of Christ.

The Journey is a three-year curriculum, spanning roughly seven months each year from fall to spring. While the process is over a three-year span, an individual’s commitment is for one year at a time. 

Members sign a covenant with certain stipulations and are expected to uphold the terms of the covenant. While members are required to do each week’s assignment in the workbook, The Journey is not curriculum driven, deriving its value from group interaction.

Those interested can contact Shannon Ford to submit their name for the initial interview.